Monday, August 15, 2011


I kind of feel like a crackhead right now. Three days without facebook and I'm itching for it. Maybe it's because of the amount of time it takes up in my day, especially when I am slow at work. Maybe it is my need to complain about the bad, or exclaim about the good and have instant gratification. Notification that people are paying attention to what I say, and why I'm saying it.

It may leave me feeling disconnected, but I never realized how facebook makes me feel important. Sad. Yes, it's very sad. Go ahead and judge me. I can take it.

But so far I'm doing well. There are two letters in the mail, going out to a friend in Florida and a friend in Ohio. I have dinner plans tonight and tomorrow night. I have spoken with people almost every day and yesterday I got to spend some much needed time with my brothers. So in-spite of my boredom, I feel like I'm doing well.

I will admit, shamelessly, I have not been able to give up texting. It is just far too convenient! Especially when it's 2 a.m. and you just want to share a thought with someone. I feel good about the battles I've picked thus far.

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